Oiseaux Avis de Recherche sur Internet

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O.A.R.I. Project :
O.A.R.I. What's this?
O.A.R.I. ( Birds research on the internet ) was inaugurated on 01/03/2009 :
- It is a communication tool. - It is a European database bird transmitted in real time on the internet listing the birds found, lost or stolen. - It's 12 websites participating in the project providing a frequency of 13 Display / day
In any case this does not replace the statutory procedures for declarations of theft or loss existing in your country. |
The founding team?
Based on an idea of the French breeders A.F.O. and C.D.E. ( forum member http://perruches-ondulees.actifforum.com ), programmed and put online by the webmaster Budgerigar France ( http://www.perruche-ondulee.fr )
Why ?
The outbreak of bird disappearances and the lack of media-specific birding in this area, we need to use public media "Internet" to inform and alert in real time.
Expected objective of this project?
A minimum information and carry through a network of partner sites broadcast the identity of birds lost, stolen or found.
How to use?
This is a free database.
3 possibilities:
1 - You've found one or bird (s): A form is available, record the number prior to ring the bird, without this number your return will not be taken into account.
2 - Have you lost or you stole one or bird (s): A form is available numbers ring or microchip must be official.
3 - Participate in the project O.A.R.I. Various links are available to you, after you insert the link on your site you do not do anything, the update is automatic.
Diffusion Alert :
The identification of a bird is made by ring or microchip.
This ring or microchip, the card indentité of the bird.
Flux RSS Alerte O.A.R.I.
Websites O.A.R.I. project participants :
( This list is automatically updated every day no application is necessary )
O.A.R.I. Project : 12 Sites Participants
Mentions légales France :
La base O.A.R.I. a fait l'objet d'une déclaration à la Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés portant la référence "CNIL N°1395872"
Vous disposez d'un droit d'accès, de rectification et d'opposition aux données vous concernant que vous pouvez exercer en contactant les administrateurs O.A.R.I.
Traduction :
: Karlina Belhoste -
: Antonio Poncelor -
: Corinne Castellano -
: Jean Peelman
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