Oiseaux Avis de Recherche sur Internet
Oiseaux Avis de Recherche sur Internet
Version Française
English version
Versione italiana
Deutsche Version
Versión en español
Nederlandse versie
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O.A.R.I. Project  O.A.R.I. Project :

O.A.R.I. What's this?
O.A.R.I. ( Birds research on the internet ) was inaugurated on 01/03/2009 :
- It is a communication tool.
- It is a European database bird transmitted in real time on the internet listing the birds found, lost or stolen.
- It's 11 websites participating in the project providing a frequency of 33 Display / day

In any case this does not replace the statutory procedures for declarations of theft or loss existing in your country.

The founding team?
Based on an idea of the French breeders A.F.O. and C.D.E. ( forum member http://perruches-ondulees.actifforum.com ), programmed and put online by the webmaster Budgerigar France ( http://www.perruche-ondulee.fr )

Why ?
The outbreak of bird disappearances and the lack of media-specific birding in this area, we need to use public media "Internet" to inform and alert in real time.

Expected objective of this project?
A minimum information and carry through a network of partner sites broadcast the identity of birds lost, stolen or found.

How to use?
This is a free database.
3 possibilities:
1 - You've found one or bird (s): A form is available, record the number prior to ring the bird, without this number your return will not be taken into account.
2 - Have you lost or you stole one or bird (s): A form is available numbers ring or microchip must be official.
3 - Participate in the project O.A.R.I. Various links are available to you, after you insert the link on your site you do not do anything, the update is automatic.

O.A.R.I. Project  Diffusion Alert :
The identification of a bird is made by ring or microchip.
This ring or microchip, the card indentité of the bird.
Perte - VolBIRDS
Perte - Vol
SN° 3523 ¤ Found - Country : Belgique - On : 15-07-2024 at Saint Nicolas ( 4420 )
Bird : Perruche
SN° 3532 ¤ Found - Country : France - On : 23-07-2024 at Nantes ( 44100 )
Bird : Perruche
SN° 3506 ¤ Found - Country : France - On : 23-06-2024 at La Chapelle Saint Mesmin ( 45380 )
Bird : Colombe diamant
Last Updated : 01-10-2024 
=> See the complete list of birds
=> You have found one or more birds
=> Declare a loss or theft
Flux RSS Alerte O.A.R.I.
RSS Alerte O.A.R.I.        Ajout RSS Alerte O.A.R.I. sur Google  Ajout RSS Alerte O.A.R.I. sur Netvibes  Ajout RSS Alerte O.A.R.I. sur Yahoo   Ajout RSS Alerte O.A.R.I. sur Windows Live  Ajout RSS Alerte O.A.R.I. sur FaceBook

O.A.R.I. Project  Websites O.A.R.I. project participants :
( This list is automatically updated every day no application is necessary )

Français - abc-du-canari.frenchboard.com abc-du-canari.frenchboard.comFrançais - le-chant-des-plumes.forumactif.com le-chant-des-plumes.forumactif.com
Français - afoperruchesondulees.free.fr afoperruchesondulees.free.frFrançais - canarispassion.probb.fr canarispassion.probb.fr
Français - pongo-kallo-pat.forumactif.org pongo-kallo-pat.forumactif.orgFrançais - paradisperroquets.forumpro.fr paradisperroquets.forumpro.fr
Français - timbrados.bbactif.com timbrados.bbactif.comFrançais - comiteondulee-le-cde.forumgratuit.org comiteondulee-le-cde.forumgratuit.org
English - www.perruche-ondulee.fr perruche-ondulee.frFrançais - eden-canari.forumpro.fr eden-canari.forumpro.fr
Français - a-o-c-b.e-monsite.com a-o-c-b.e-monsite.com

O.A.R.I. Project : 11 Sites Participants

O.A.R.I.  O.A.R.I.

Mentions légales France :
La base O.A.R.I. a fait l'objet d'une déclaration à la Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés portant la référence "CNIL N°1395872"
Vous disposez d'un droit d'accès, de rectification et d'opposition aux données vous concernant
que vous pouvez exercer en contactant les administrateurs O.A.R.I.

Traduction :
Deutsche Version : Karlina Belhoste  -   Versión en español : Antonio Poncelor  -   Versione italiana : Corinne Castellano  -   Nederlandse versie : Jean Peelman

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Base O.A.R.I. © 2024 - 2025
Site hébergé par OVH

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